Experience “AVENGERS ASSEMBLE” – A behind-the-scenes tour of The Avengers movie quickly pulls guests into a quest to save the planet!



Although the rights for Marvel characters in Disney Parks currently are tied up a bit, it doesn’t hurt to dream about what is possible for Walt Disney Pictures’ biggest movie of all time, The Avengers.

The Avengers Assemble attraction takes advantage of the newest advances in video projection and motion tracking that thrusts guests right into the superhero action.

From the outside, the attraction is advertised as a behind-the-scenes tour of The Avengers set, and even boasts that you’ll get to meet the real Avengers. Upon entering, guests are treated to wide view of a New York City street – an exact copy of the set from the final battle in The Avengers. For their tour, guests board the top level of a double-decker bus.




However the tour isn’t remotely what the guests expect.They meet a gruff, shifty tour guide who introduces them NOT to the Avengers, but to obscure, zany Marvel superheroes (like Sugar Man, Bird Brain or Squirrel Girl) who have been captured. Menacing Chitauri warriors have been on board the lower level of the bus the entire time! It’s a trap!

The bus is really spaceship! The spaceship’s cloaking device engages and the bus disappears with empty space beneath the passengers’ feet. The invisible bus blasts off into space. The guests have been kidnapped and their brain power is being used to open an interdimensional portal! Who will save them?




The Avengers of course!

As Thanos is revealed to be the evil mastermind of this plot and Chitauri ships descend upon our guests, the Avengers come to the rescue. The final battle plays out in space and on Earth, and at last, the guests are returned to the tour station.




Real-time projection mapping is used – inspired by a project for the Playstation 3. However, there would be two sources of projection: the traditional, outer projection, and projection inside the form of the bus itself, which is coated in rear projection film. Guests will actually be sitting on top of the projected surface.


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